July 2, 2020

Spiritual Bliss with a 21st Century Twist

The world is always changing whether it’s in nature, technology or the relationships around us, only by being present and connecting to our own spiritual source can we stay grounded in the madness and remember the reasons why we're here: one being to share our unique gifts and talents with the world.

The simple key is to stay open to the unexpected and pay attention while on your journey by tapping into your greatest source of knowledge YOU, through mind, body, and spirit unity.

Enlightenment, conscious living, whatever you’d like to call it, ultimately the key to “spiritual bliss”, is about being awake and the author of your own happier, healthier life!  

Spirituality is truly a big word for spirit.

The core, the truth and joy of who we are, however how do we achieve Spiritual bliss in the 21st century with all of its mixed messages and noise? Most of us are juggling personal and professional lives and don’t have a year to travel around the world and eat in Italy, pray India and love in Bali only to find ourselves. We want to be able to keep our feet planted firmly on the ground, while letting our spirits soar. Here’s the secret: we can have both. We can be enlightened and embrace the power and benefits of staying true to our own beliefs, by connecting our mind and body to our spirit, with love and compassion for ourselves and others.

Multi-dimensional bliss is for multi-dimensional beings.

We are multi-dimensional, multi-faceted beings, made up of layers of conscious and unconscious experiences and emotions all stored not only, in our minds, but also our bodies and soul. We’re perfect, imperfect, powerful, vulnerable and beautiful in the essence of our femininity. Only by approaching life as a whole in all of our glorious shades of color, dark and light, through balancing and connecting our mind and body with our spirit can we be our original, exceptional, sexy self… we are not linear and nor is life. Be honest, forgiving and kind with yourselves, but most of all recognize we see and are seen through many lenses. Value who you are and what you have to offer the world, even when others judge your spirit so you can step up and live life confidently in your own truth and style.

Finding your spiritual bliss is key.

This doesn’t mean you have to box yourself in, become holier than thou and give up everything else. In essence, it means you have the ability to expand beyond your physical self - you are boundless - and recognize that your total wellbeing cannot be separated from what you think, feel and do. You are in control of your own thoughts, reactions, emotions and actions. Just accepting that one mind-shift can take you one step closer to a happier, healthier more connected and balanced life.

Follow your bliss.

First, understand there is no secret handshake or timeline when it comes to spiritual bliss. Spirituality is your own journey whatever that may be; so choose yours and not someone else’s. Let the fear creep in, face it, but don’t let it stunt you. 

Curiosity, creativity and ultimately the end result, freedom, come from the soul. The trajectory of your life evolves from what your spirit needs, not textbooks. So when you feel doubt. When your body screams at you, your mind questions you and you can’t explain the feeling burning deep within… Ask yourself a simple question. “Whose life is this, who has the right to judge your journey?” Own your choices, whether it’s leading a discussion group or donating to a cause you believe in.

Spirituality is limitless… just like you.

It’s the boundless energy stemming from your heart, which sees all possibilities. It’s the joy and guiding compass from within that helps us make sense of the world and how we can live our best life in it. It enables us to have confidence and begin to value who we are, the power that unleashes our unique gifts, creativity and compassion into the world instead of us hiding from them. When our spirit soars it’s like an irresistible energy, a magnet that draws another closer. It’s gift for us to share.

Spirituality in style – goes deeper.

Don’t let a label define you. It’s the outward expression of whom we are inside. It’s the unique sound of each step we take, it’s the dress that makes us feel beautiful or old sweater that say’s I’m comfortable wrapped in my own skin. It shows in your eyes and on your face, if you’re taking care of yourself. Your style, your clothing, your make-up, how you present yourself is a reflection of how you want to project yourself to the world. So stop comparing yourself to another, value your own style, be committed to a nurturing relationship with yourself as you would to another.

Spiritual awareness is connection.

It’s a lot to process, so lets stop for a moment spiritual seekers. What we take for granted is our breath; without it we do not exist, so let’s take a deep one and expand our thinking. Meditation is our time to sink into the quietness, clear the clutter and confusion inhabiting our minds so we can reconnect to what’s manifesting in our body, emotions and mind. Every part of our being participates to help us make better sense of our place in the world and how we handle situations and people. Meditation grants us the space to remember our desires, listen to our own voice and feel what’s important to us, not what you think others expect of you. Life isn’t about being perfect; it’s about grounding yourself in your own space and being more aware! 

Spirituality in stilettos in the 21st century is smart.

But, it's not always easy to wrap our minds around, and it’s not something that solves all of life’s ups and downs, but what it does do is give us hope and faith. Faith in yourself and what you came here to be and do, and hope that someone will acknowledge and support whatever your dreams, style and purpose may be. Dreams are personal and whatever yours are, allow yourself to be open the gifts or challenges you’ll face. Once you block out the fear, let your spirit in, accept and own your own course, feel the difference and joy it can bring to your life... then you’ll be truly living your own version of spiritual bliss.

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